Oct 16, 2019 18:36:27 GMT -6
Jun 27, 2015 16:51:30 GMT -6
June 2015
Post by crocodile on Sept 13, 2015 15:01:24 GMT -6
I hope this doesn't make for too many Super Mario Maker topics but I wanted to separate this from the IGA thread or any others because of the quality of the stream I'm linking. Anyway, here is a link to a recent stream (skip to about 9 minutes in) where Nintendo UK and Playtonic Games (the Yooka-Laylee people) go over Super Mario Maker and some of the levels Playtonic Games made. This is about an hour of footage and the Playtonic people really go into the game design of their levels and good game design principles in general. It's actually a fairly indepth look and its clear they had a lot of time to work with the game unlike IGA who probably only had a short period of time to work on his level. I really suggest you guys check it out if you have the time.